This website is being developed to allow sharing of my research and findings with others. The title of this website - Genealogical Pursuits - suggests how I look at my family history research, both conducted for myself and as well as when assisting others. It is a pursuit of the most accurate and reliable information available regarding the folks being studied which we are after. Almost always, the word pursuit represents the fact that we will never really know for sure much of what we attempt to be able to report as being accurate. Often, what we come up with is actually more of a hypothesis developed based on the bits and pieces of information which we discover about these folks. Therefore, we must attempt to pursue the best and most reliable bits and pieces of information possible as well as endeavor to make sure the information we report as being for a given person is actually associated with the person we believe it was during that person's lifetime. Where possible, we should attempt to pursue an understanding of the family as well as historical context in which the events which we are reporting pertain.