The current state of knowledge regarding the ancestry of Moses Benson (born 20 May 1732, Mendon, Massachusetts), based on yDNA test results, is provided above.  The results of Kits 208150, 224667, 900771, and 916646 show that these four men had the same paternal ancestor.  Conventional genealogical research identifies their common paternal ancestor as Moses Benson of Mendon.  The yDNA test results for these four men in no way are similar to the test results for three men for whom conventional genealogical research identify as descendants of John1 Benson of Hingham and Hull, Massachusetts who arrived in New England on the Confidence in 1638.  Therefore, it now appears certain that Moses5 Benson was not a biological grandson of Benoni3 Benson of Mendon.  Another descendant of David6 Benson is expected to take a yDNA test to further assist in inferring the yDNA signature of Moses5 Benson to 111 STR markers.  A descendant of Joseph5 Benson (a brother of Moses5 Benson) has been contacted and it is hoped he will agree to provide a sample for yDNA testing as whether or not he matches the descendants of John1 Benson or the descendants of Moses5 Benson will complete the scientific portion of the research into the location of the break in the paternity for this line.

Two descendants of Moses5 Benson (Kits 208150 and 916646) were tested to 111 STR markers as well as to determine SNPs in order to infer the placement of Moses5 Benson on the human genome family tree.  Those SNPs which these two descendants of Moses5 Benson have in common would have come from their most recent common ancestor and any SNPs which deviate between them would have resulted from mutations in either line following Moses5 Benson.  We are awaiting the SNP results for Kit 916646 and expect them in January or February 2020.  So far, the SNP results for Kit 208150 show matches in genealogical time in North America (past three hundred or so years) to men with the surname Darling.  Dennis Darling of Braintree, Massachusetts moved to Mendon by 1682, and it is likely that one of his grandsons was the biological father of Moses5 Benson.